IHM: The Institute for Health Metrics – Boston, MA
Project: Demand generation with Marketing Automation
Mission: Recalibrate the IHM Sales Machine
- 500% Increase in website lead traffic in 3 months.
- 60% increase in qualified target marketing database
- segmented by tier and functional responsibility.
- Identified and targeted most profitable market segments with refocused and targeted messaging
- Aggregated existing content from Infection Control, Quality and Physician Credentialing to repurpose for demand generation.
- Defined, developed and implemented the IHM Knowledge Resource Center.
- Content for the site included:
white papers, webinars, business briefs and general collateral.
- Repurposed and generated “aspirational” communications for delivery as vignettes to qualify, nurture and educate high-value target audience segments.
- Defined lead tracking, scoring and prioritization schema for presales and sales.
- Redefined and built marketing- and sales-aligned dashboards using a marketing automation platform (MAP) integrated with Salesforce.com.
IHM offers a solution to aggregate hospital medical records data to identify trends and deploy best practices processes and methodologies. IHM sales and marketing required a recalibration of its processes to rapidly and predictably drive brand awareness and generate a maturing pipeline of qualified prospects who were scored and passed to presales and sales.
Our work:
Renaissance built a knowledge resource center for medical professionals along with other demand generation initiatives to drive qualified interest into and through the sales pipeline. In 3 months the new, recalibrated sales machine was up and running with increased site traffic of 500%, and a cleaned and normalized Salesforce.com (SFA) database synchronized with the marketing automation (MAP) database. In less than 6 months a series of micro-targeted pain/solution vignettes had delivered identifiable sales opportunities into the sales funnel.