what we do

Types of Programs
Whatever kind of Integrated Marketing campaign you have in mind, chances are there's a pretty good example of it right here. We have developed everything from animated email invitations, tickler postcards, banner ads, direct mail and PDF data sheets, to integrated multi-stage, multi-modal lead generation campaigns across multiple vertical and horizontal market segments with comprehensive resource center development (whew!). And almost every one of these requires some form of database extraction and development effort coupled with analysis and strategy initiatives.
Integrated Campaigns
- Connected
- Lotus
- Marketsoft
- Moody's KMV
- Hurwitz Group
Pipeline Generation
- Moody's KMV
- Lumigent - Log Explorer
- Progress Software
- Connected
- MarketSoft
- Insurance.Com
Strategic Accounts Development
- Market Scoping
- Best Customer Contact Development
- Market Segmentation & Revenue Tiers
- Vertical Target Market Penetration
- New Best Customer Acquisition
Seminar/Webinar theme & attendance
- Lotus/IBM
- Eastman Software
- Moody's KMV
Trade Show attendance
- Lotus (Pancake)
- Connected (Support Services "Baldie" card)
Reseller recruitment
- Powersoft [Diver ]
- Progress Software [Wright Brothers]
- Lotus [Guru]

New Product Announcement
- Dragon Systems (Legal/Medical)
- Fleet
- Progress
- Lotus
Lead Nurture/Cultivation
- LiveVault
Relationship Marketing, cross-sell/up-sell, customer retention
- Liberty Medical
- Lotus [Frameworks (x3)]
- Moody's KMV
- Progress Software (Perception)
Focused advertising
- Insurance.com
- Moody's KMV
Direct sales
- Dragon Systems (Naturally Organized)
- BayBank
Messaging & Collateral
- Essex County Community Foundation
- Connected
- MarketSoft
- Moody's KMV
- Wang (Extreme Team)